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Change In Composition Of Audit And Remuneration Committees

BackJul 10, 2007

The Board of Directors of Megachem Limited ("the Company") wishes to announce the following:-

a. Mr Chan Choong Poh Charles has resigned as a Director of the Company with effect from 9 July 2007 and ceased to be Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee.

b. Dr Patrick Pui Hang Yeung has been appointed an independent Director of the Company on 9 July 2007 and Dr Patrick Pui Hang Yeung has also been appointed as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit Committee.

Subsequent to the above changes, the composition of the Committees are as follows:-

Remuneration Committee

Dr Patrick Pui Hang Yeung (Chairman)
Mr Lee Bon Leong
Mr Tay Swee Sze

Audit Committee

Mr Tay Swee Sze (Chairman)
Mr Lee Bon Leong
Dr Patrick Pui Hang Yeung

The Board wished to record their appreciation to Mr Chan Choong Poh Charles for his contribution over the past years of service.